June 2021

Our Guestspeaker for June was Gary Raymond APM, OAM, retired Chief Inspector NSW Police.

For those that don't know including myself an APM is a Australian Police Medal and an OAM is a Medal of the Order of Australia. 


Gary Raymond APM, OAM

Gary and Kel

I am sure all of us found Gary a very experienced speaker with some very interesting stories.

Gary talked about being the first rescue squad to attend the Granville rail bridge disaster, having to crawl through the squashed train looking for any survivors. (18-1-1977)
He spoke of the guy with tattoos, he recognized as a cop that these were tattoos that only criminals had who had been in the 'can' or jail. 
This guy helped Gary at Granville, cop and criminal working side by side in times of need. 

How he found a young lady who worked for the police department who had given up her seat for an elderly lady (who got killed) and this young lady had been standing instead in the back of the carriage and got squashed down by the collapsed train wall. 
She was alive when he found her but stopped breathing in front of him soon after. He was able to move her head back, opening her airway and she came back.
He held her hand and she asked  "Will I ever find a husband and have a baby?" 
Gary being a very religious person simple answer was "Only God knows".  
This lady was flown by military helicopter to hospital and had a 17hr operation.

A number of years later Gary was asked to be on the  "This is Your Life" show, this lady was came up, they embraced for a very long time and next she showed him her husband and their child. 
What a great story.

Gary also talked of the Anita Cobby killers, how one had admitted to his aunt when visiting him in jail that they had all agreed to kill Anita. 
This aunt then agreed to have a microphone and taperecorder (yes in the old days) put on her the next day and how he admitted again but now recorded how they all were involved in the rape and killing of her.

Gary not only had very interesting stories but also had a very humble way of speaking and kept us on our toes right through his 40 minute talk.

Some interesting facts about Gary:

As you can see Gary Raymond has also written 3 books: Top Cop, Top Cop 2 and Top Cop 3.

Grace''s Place:

  "Gaz, Something good will have to come out of something so bad"                                                                                                                        Gary Lynch
    "It will mate"
                    Gary Raymond

Gary Raymond is also involved in the establishment of Grace's Place, the primary purpose is to provide a unique place of healing for children traumatised by homicide. 
Grace's Place will also include residential and councelling facilities and will also be the new head office of the Homicide Victims Support Group (Aust) Inc.
Grace's Place is named after Anita Cobby's late mother Grace Lynch and will be located in Doonside.

Any further information can be found on the web under gracesplace.org.au

Thank you Gary Raymond for your such a very interesting talk.
And Thanks Kel for inviting Gary to come and speak to us.


                                            All That "Social Distancing".......


                                                Mick Ryan won $100

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                                                                 Our President Carol Thornton won $30

                                               Our Ambassador Don Frohmuller won $20

                                                                                                          And $50 for our club

Next time you too could be a winner!

Lilianfells "high tea" bustrip 24th June
Our bustrip for high tea at Lilianfels Resort in Katoomba was cancelled due to the sudden  Covid-19 spread and new restrictions. 
Just some pictures below how nice Lilianfels looked some weeks ago during a very cold spell.

That's all for June.