COMMITTEE meeting at Wendy's place 7/11/13

WENDY's lovely home at Narara was full of the most beautiful tapestry's that Wendy herself has done.... For a closer look and for the whole story see below....

The kitchen didn't look so NEAT after we had been there....
Wendy invited the committee members and their wives etc as well as a few past committee members  to have our  committee meeting  and morning tea at her lovely new home at Narara. 
Her new home ....... 
 is really lovely and we all enjoyed having the lovely morning tea Wendy provided. Looking around at the walls of the home we soon discovered that Wendy is a real expert on tapestry and as you can see by the photo's of her beautiful tapestry's above 
                             "I DO MEAN EXPERT"
Thanks Wendy for letting us have a look through your lovely new home and for the lovely morning tea you gave us....

The house that Wendy built.